#1 My Econ Teacher Gave Us His List Of 100 Wisest.

#2 He Was Worried About His Wife's Temper. But What The Doctor Suggests Brilliant!

#3 This Wasn't Supposed To Be My Cheat Day…

#4 This Quote Tells The Truth

#5 Ways To Sit On Couches

#6 Its To Relieve Stress

#7 The difference between a cat and a comma

#8 I Bought A Chicago Bears Bed Set…

#9 So I was in Chinatown…

#10 The weather forecast for this week…

#11 To Catch The Fish You Mus First Become

#12 Worlds Worst Golf Ball

#13 Will Smith: Asking The Real Questions Without Swearing Since The 90s

#14 Your Teacher Took Your Phone?

#15 Caffeine Withdrawal

#16 Lick Me Like Ur French Puppies

#17 There’s never been a better time to buy a new dad!