#12 Life’s Worst Decision

12 Of The Craziest Face Tattoos Found On The Internet

Even if we hadn’t read those stories a few years back how this girl was trying to sue the tattoo artist who did this to her, we’d still assume that perhaps it wasn’t the best decision she ever made.

#11 Racist

12 Of The Craziest Face Tattoos Found On The Internet

Just in case you were wondering what sort of person this guy is, he’s gone ahead and done the hard work for you and simply written the word “asshole” on his face.

#10 Romney For Life

12 Of The Craziest Face Tattoos Found On The Internet

Apparently this dude is a wrestler who was paid $15,000 to get this Romney tattoo in 2012. Strangely enough, he decided not to support Mitt Romney the second time around.

#9 A Colorful Accountant? Sounds Like An Oxymoron To Me…

12 Of The Craziest Face Tattoos Found On The Internet

It’s kind of strange how this dude is both the most colorful on this list, and the only one who I might go to in order to get my taxes sorted out.

#8 So Over It

12 Of The Craziest Face Tattoos Found On The Internet

This old guy looks like he’s been through a fair nit in his life. I’ve never met him and so I can only assume things by looking at him – but I reckon he looks like he’s kind of over it…

#7 Hide The Cat Food

12 Of The Craziest Face Tattoos Found On The Internet

This is the scariest on this list. Not “scary” in the sense that the dude who had “racist” written on his head is scary because of how stupid/dangerous he is, but scary in the way that would haunt your dreams as a child.

#6 Passing Judgment

12 Of The Craziest Face Tattoos Found On The Internet

It’s such a shame because the future was looking so bright for this guy until he got locked up. Hang on, no it wasn’t. His face tattoos tell us that he’s a jerk. That might sound a little judgmental, however, if we’re talking judgment on appearance ….well, this guy is far more guilty than us.

#5 Teddy Boy

12 Of The Craziest Face Tattoos Found On The Internet

I don’t know anything about Teddy Boy or his infatuation with Elvis, but what I like to imagine is that he went out for a beer with his friends as just this sort of shy, normal guy. Then, he woke up two days later and looked in the mirror… and this looked back at him.

#4 Pussy Eater

12 Of The Craziest Face Tattoos Found On The Internet

I’m not a big fan of cats and so perhaps this doesn’t really affect me as much as it might if I had pets of that variety, however, I’d be careful if you’re friends with this guy. That’s the type of pussy he eats, right?

#3 This Guy

12 Of The Craziest Face Tattoos Found On The Internet

This poor guy was a troubled child (probably). He always wanted to be noticed instead of being that invisible kid that nobody paid any attention to. He never really got over it and grew up to be the sort of person who would get “FUCK YOU” tattooed on his head.

#2 The Cover Of A Book

12 Of The Craziest Face Tattoos Found On The Internet

If you’re thinking that perhaps this guy could be a violent criminal then maybe you’re proof that it is possible to judge a book by its cover.

#1 No Mercy

12 Of The Craziest Face Tattoos Found On The Internet

There will be no mercy. No mercy in terms of the ridicule this guy will suffer for the rest of his days (or until he pays to have this thing lasered away). The thing that really makes this a badass tattoo is the trail of stars – that is tough!
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Added 8 years ago