#1 Small victories

#2 Starting In Kindergarten

#3 Pic of noodles at -60C: Concordia research station, Antarctica

#4 Date Someone Who Looks At You…

#5 Seen in a toy store in Austin, Texas

#6 Is that is that ear hair?

#7 Classic

#8 Sony reveals new logo.

#9 Did You Knows That Cows…

#10 Bad Luck Lincoln

#11 If There Was An Award For Laziness, I'd Probably..

#12 Clever Wallpaper That Reacts To Temperature

#13 I Can't Believe I Never Realized This Before

#14 This Amazing Dog Is The Result Of A Mix

#15 Just scooped up a Spine Popper 9000 at GoodWill for $20.

#16 Now That's A True Friend

#17 Girls in the army…

#18 So Maybe Having An All K9 Bomb Squad Wasn't Such A Great Idea After All…