#1 What happens when you go a year without masturbating?

#2 Makes sense.

#3 Fuck waterIm flying

#4 Cat Table

#5 Righteous cause

#6 Lucasfilm congratulates Marvel Studios for claiming the title of Biggest Opening Weekend

#7 Caption Contest: How would you title this picture? Reply in comments

#8 Give Thanks To The Lord

#9 Doll’s Eyes, a poisonous plant that looks like something out of a Lovecraft novel.

#10 dibs on yoshi

#11 I'll Take A Potato.

#12 I'm Not Going To Be Able To Make It Into Work

#13 karma!

#14 I Didn'tKnow The Human Body Had So Many Veins

#15 I'll Have You Know That Today I Overheard A.

#16 I wonder if shes worried about a yeast infection

#17 Twelve black dots