#1 He knows.

#2 A Reader Lives A Thousand Lives Before He Dies

#3 My buddies daughter looks like a mid-30s European man.

#4 This mirror makes me look ripped

#5 Friend who lost his leg to cancer got creative for Halloween

#6 You Came To The Right Neighbourhood, Friend

#7 My Office Could Use These

#8 I Found This Cow Reading

#9 My work place has a white board showing yesterdays food waste right above where employees keep used dishes.

#10 The Mars Curiosity Rover's True Size

#11 When You Go Next Level Feminist

#12 The most American image youll see today

#13 How dare you

#14 Friendly reminder

#15 Police Sniper cloaked under a towel at an Orlando area hospital during a standoff with a suspect.

#16 Look, I'm A Hooman

#17 DeAd MaN gEtS sEnT tO tHe ShAdOw ReAlM

#18 I Would Definitively Live Here

#19 I work at a pet supply store and we just got this new uhhhhh, toy?