#1 I've Never Gotten Laid Because Of The Way I Look

#2 What kind of Alabama man doesnt recognize his sisters pussy?

#3 Applied statistics

#4 Eruption Of Mt. Saint Helens

#5 Perfect For A Lumberjack

#6 He Was Driving With An Open Bottle

#7 Cosmic Sheets

#8 Mom Can Always Reach

#9 How Did The Hipster Burn His Tongue?

#10 Why Is Donald Trump Watching The Olympics?

#11 Kitten with 23 toes

#12 A Dog, Eight Birds And A Hamster Are Best Friends

#13 Our 91 year-old Canadian mayor

#14 Border Between Usa And Mexico…

#15 Cmon, Gary.

#16 I give you, The Creation of Bromance.

#17 Zombie Apocalypse What I Expect It Will Be.

#18 Medieval Problems

#19 Time For School!

#20 79.3 Iq…

#21 He's Entitled To His Opinion

#22 Grammar Pirates