#1 How my wife opens things

#2 So this is why I was getting sleep paralysis every night

#3 And you couldnt save your progress either

#4 Highway Interchange

#5 Twilight Moms. If They 40-year-old Men.

#6 Google! Could You Find 'big.'

#7 Geckos are awesome…

#8 We Are All Searching For Someone Whose Demons.

#9 Special Offer

#10 I love Gordon Ramsay

#11 Belgium Is Canada Of The Netherlands.

#12 Ridiculously Photogenic Dog

#13 The True Mark Of Adulthood…

#14 These people who set up a tent at an art fair

#15 Walk Up In The Club Like…

#16 I'm Raising An Orphan Raccoon. Sometimes She…

#17 (Caladenia melanema a.k.a. Ballerina orchid) looks like its dancing!

#18 Tarantulas keep frogs as pets too

#19 Had some retired climbing rope laying around. I made this lounge and placed it 350 ft up.

#20 My Friend Went Diving In Australia

#21 Pi Day

#22 If I Had Goats, They'd Totally Have A Goat Castle

#23 Always stay focused