#1 What Is This Impenetrable Force Field.

#2 You Know It's Cold Outside When.

#3 Accurate Soup Instructions

#4 Spiral Staircase In Pele Castle Romania.

#5 Found A Cheap Apartment In San Fransisco.

#6 Oklahoma Manhole Covers have a city map on it with a white dot showing where in the city you are.

#7 Dad. Put Down The Fucking Camera

#8 Family Added A Sandbox To Their Baby's Grave

#9 Polished meteorite sphere

#10 Those Fake Gamer Guys

#11 Inbreeding

#12 Princess Madeleine of Sweden just realized she left the stove on.

#13 Local job posting looking for a server

#14 There has to be an easier way!

#15 My Mom Swears There Was A Mix Up.

#16 The hand of a young orangutan looks so much like ours

#17 The Man With Three Girlfriends

#18 Fishermans Method Of Handling alternative Facts

#19 Lex Luthor! Yes. And This Time I've Got You

#20 Comb over level Firefox

#21 Its a trap!

#22 Still cant get daylight savings time right

#23 Chinese And Pakistani Border Guards…