#1 Explain this. Nailed it

#2 This Is Why Women Live Longer Than Men…

#3 Smoke Wheat…

#4 That time the subtitles nailed it

#5 Wifi Signals Are The Biggest Liar

#6 What They Used In The Past To Kill Vampires

#7 Plane directions…

#8 When someone takes you somewhere nice

#9 The Real Struggle

#10 Dont worry about me, actually.

#11 How To Be Polite And Tell A Girl…

#12 Say no to anorexia

#13 Hair games

#14 Lumberton, TX 9/3/17

#15 Please Come Pick Him Up Immediatly

#16 This peanut M&M looks like Kenny from Southpark

#17 When shit gets real

#18 But People Will Still Get Offended

#19 This is how I fit into a brand new corvette. Shin and head angle were brutal. The salesman was laughing his ass off and snapped this pic

#20 Its definitely because of that haircut

#21 Hows that for a bit of street art?

#22 Nailed it.

#23 My Duck Has An Afro

#24 I Don't Need To Flirt

#25 Oh, sweetie…

#26 What The Hell Is Going On Here?