#1 In College Is She Hot

#2 Is it just me, or is Tom Cruise beginning to look like a middle aged lesbian?

#3 If You Stare In The Middle…

#4 I see what you did there

#5 Thats Right, This Is A Cake

#6 I’ve always wanted to be

#7 Rise Of The Planet Of The Ants

#8 Second screw-up

#9 Alright, Who Gave The Baby A Gun?

#10 That Thing I Said 5 Years Ago Was Very Stupid…

#11 He Wishes It Was Real..

#12 We are picking up our husbands after their deployment. I wasnt aware we were making signs.

#13 Meanwhile in Poland

#14 TIL What A BJ Is

#15 At my local pet food store.

#16 And You Didnt Want To Get Out Of Bed Because You Thought It Was Too Cold.

#17 Due To A Shortage Of Robots…

#18 You Know Its True

#19 I Like My New Name Snack

#20 Harry The Tiny Baby Hippo

#21 Met my daughter for the first time last night.

#22 Okay, Now What?

#23 How Many Old Couches Had To Die To Make That Jacket?

#24 Hes Not Amused In The Least

#25 Well you can tell by the way I use my walk, I’m a woman’s man, no time to talk!