#1 I Will Return

#2 As a grown-up and movie-fan, I really appreciated this running gag in "Penguins of Madagascar."

#3 Stepping up my dick pic game

#4 Why Love One But Eat The Other…

#5 I Had To Kiss A Few Frogs…

#6 This Guy Is 44..

#7 How Many Paces Away Be The Treasure?

#8 Some People Have Backyards That Are…

#9 Remember to recharge the ones you love

#10 My wife took the toddler and left me with the baby yesterday morning. Shes a worrywart and I love photoshop. Lesson learned; dont reply with just a photoshopped picture when she asks how things are going with the baby.

#11 God Gave Men Both A Penis And A Brain…

#12 Nice way to die tbh

#13 Guilty of this

#14 Tiny Tom Cruise

#15 Wait just a 2nd

#16 Marias other powers

#17 Best Time To Plant A Tree

#18 Man praise cow

#19 My co-workers friend just saw this in Florida while driving..they were even barking.

#20 Baby Leia

#21 High Budget Photography

#22 Hi My Name Is Appendix And Sometimes I Get So.

#23 Best Divorce Lawyers Ever

#24 The Book And The Movie

#25 When someone hands me a flyer

#26 Charmander, Burn Him!

#27 Had An Amazing Dream…

#28 Being Cool Back Then

#29 Two Frogs Using A Flower

#30 These Plants Can Kill

#31 Went To My Friend's Apartment Today