#1 My Phone's Dying

#2 Disney Films Inside Other Disney Films

#3 Double Standard Frodo…

#4 A female Kurdish fighter destroys an ISIS sign with instructions on how women should dress, northeast Syria, November 2015

#5 Raw Wellington Opal…

#6 Lost 15 Kg In Two Weeks…

#7 Encountered An Obstacle This Morning…

#8 The Proper Way To Read A Choose Your Own.

#9 What being an adult feels like

#10 A rare voice of reason from Hollywood

#11 You start like this…

#12 Me: I'll Give You Two Dollars.


#14 Npr Had An Extremely Simple Joke

#15 I Thought To Boost My Self Esteem I Would.

#16 At Least That Explains Why He's So

#17 Clever High School Teacher

#18 Im not really sure

#19 A Shadow Of Its Former Self

#20 It's So Awesome

#21 When You're Deciding Whether To Drive

#22 Can't Be The Only Girl Who Has This Opinion

#23 For Faster Healing, Keep Broken Appendage Elevated

#24 Every Skill Level Explained

#25 Apple watch

#26 "je"…

#27 Flowers and rubbing alcohol

#28 Mr. T at Nancy Reagan’s funeral

#29 What Happens When You Don't Wear Your Seat Belt

#30 Irish Handcuffs.

#31 Ok This Is Pretty Cool