#1 This has to be my all time favorite pic

#2 Inspirational Quotes: Quote of the day

#3 I Try To Take An Oddly Satisfying Dump Each Day. Heres One For You.

#4 How I Feel When The Week Starts

#5 Before and after powerwashing. New York used to be a much dirtier city back when the Northeast ran on coal plants.

#6 Wow, did Rugrats really nail what adult life is like.

#7 This Is The First Safari Gondola.

#8 Mom, Look At Him

#9 Worst First Date Twitter Dump

#10 Proof That Googly Eyes Make Everything Better

#11 Achievement Unlocked: Savage

#12 Strange figure spotted in the clouds on flight home to Cork for Christmas

#13 It's Time For Bed.

#14 Be Careful Who You Call Ugly In Middle School.

#15 My Cat's Thoughts Half Way Through A…

#16 Had Her For Six Years…

#17 The shower in my Grandparents new bathroom is very nice, except for one small problem…

#18 When you dont know if youre his Top Gun or his side piece

#19 This Kitten Has Too Many Toeses.

#20 The Purge: Canada

#21 How people take pictures in Hong Kong because of the smog


#23 This floor is completely flat

#24 Casual Day Fishing When All Of A Sudden.

#25 Ever feel like you forgot to do something important?

#26 Well, cant argue that

#27 98.1% Pure

#28 Brotherly love every year my twin and I go to the bank, withdraw a $100 bill, give to each other, and then deposit it back. The tellers love it and we have done it every year since we were 15. Happy 39th bro!

#29 Get well, Mark Zuckerberg

#30 Expectation vs Reality

#31 Knowledge In Our Lives

#32 These two

#33 Honk If You Love Jesus.

#34 You have to trust your gut

#35 If I can do it, anybody can

#36 Punctuation, problems.