#1 Found On Snapchat. So Many Questions…

#2 Stumbled Upon this This must happen

#3 Scary banana for scale

#4 Today I'm Repping My Favorite Band.

#5 Round bear

#6 Job Interviewer: So, We Found A Meme Account.

#7 This is the same photo, side by side. They are not taken at different angles. Both sides are the same, pixel for pixel.

#8 More relevant than ever. Racism = collectivism.

#9 Dr. Seuss lesser-known book.

#10 Nope

#11 Grooming gone bad

#12 My daughters ultrasound picture is as creepy as it gets

#13 Merry Chrispmas

#14 Clever Wall Design

#15 Wow, Never Thought About This Before

#16 Behold, the power of Photoshop.

#17 The One Of The Bottom Right I Trying Real

#18 I think hes right

#19 Sudden Clarity Kitten

#20 I met a 14 year old lab with vitiligo this morning.