#1 Dear Rejector…

#2 My Dad Made Me A Pbj 2.0

#3 My Spidey Sense Is Tingling…

#4 Moosejaw Truck Driver Seems Like.

#5 A real friend…

#6 My Teacher Tells Me Real Beauty…

#7 Hey I M Sorry About Eating The Fancy

#8 I Don't Need Sex Because The Government Fucks…

#9 The truth about pets

#10 Anatomy Of A Corgi

#11 Racist Cleverbot WIN

#12 When He's Not On The Job…

#13 This actually made me laugh. And who won?

#14 I cant see!

#15 Like My Profile Picture

#16 Hey What's That Sqiggly Thing?

#17 Don't Use That

#18 Pretty Sure Our Cat Thinks The Crib

#19 Rocking That Body

#20 Worth Every Penny

#21 My Diet’s Death

#22 Two Men Raised Simba, And He Turned Out Fine

#23 Stay Away, Stephen

#24 R U Sure Ur A Virgin?

#25 If I'm Up First And She's Still Asleep..

#26 Shibes talking about movies.

#27 Do Not Let This Bottle Serve As An Inspiration