#1 To have a selfie with the Mona Lisa

#2 Miss Florida should have won the Miss America pageant

#3 When my high school marching band was performing at the Liberty Bowl and I ran into two guys who looked vaguely like me (Im in the middle)

#4 Mr. T Before He Pitied Fools

#5 It sure is

#6 Bart can be nice, too

#7 Me: Are You A Wolf Or A Corgi - Him: I Don't Know

#8 Spying scandal

#9 One Feline To Rule Them All

#10 Late stage capitalism

#11 Hell, Id still rob you

#12 you Got It, Champ

#13 The things some have to put up with…

#14 Game Themed Wedding Invitations

#15 Scooby Doo Vs. Doctor Who

#16 Cut By Artist Sooz Taylor

#17 This is definitely canon

#18 Pakistans Women Empowerment Strategy

#19 My Hotel Room Is Underwater.

#20 The Grand Canyon lit only by lightning

#21 Those Faces Are Priceless