#1 I Have The Body

#2 Got this as change tonight, am I cursed?

#3 The first bottle had cocaine in it too

#4 As a female working at gamestop I hear some funny pickup lines, this one is my favorite so far!

#5 Social Media Explained

#6 I'm In My Dorm…

#7 Favorite picture I took on a small family farm in the Swiss alps. They curiously ran over and posed.

#8 Why We Have Obesity

#9 Elephant with dwarfism, about 5ft tall and fully grown.

#10 God Damn It Boris, Get Back In Line…

#11 Nature Is A Conquerable Foe

#12 My Horses When I Whistle For Them Every Morning

#13 The iphone 5 development team.

#14 Canadian Money Redesign

#15 They Probably Do It All The Time

#16 I Hate When A Bitch Can't Take A Compliment

#17 Planet Love

#18 Po, I'm Not Your Real Dad…