#1 My friend captured the moment the wave came for a hug

#2 Ingenious

#3 Go home boat, youre drunk

#4 Trashy tattoo of the day

#5 Leaf floating on water, casting a unique shadow

#6 Blue lights in restroom prevents drug users from finding veins to shoot into.

#7 Plenty of fish in the sea

#8 Please Be More Romantic

#9 Just another day at the office

#10 Alright, Gonna Cover Up These Answers.

#11 Group Picture With The Girls

#12 Dustin Hoffman versus Paparazzi

#13 Aliens arent real

#14 My Type Of Flirting

#15 Probably the one and only time Instagram made me laugh.

#16 Found This At Work.

#17 Meanwhile At Warcraft Movie Screening…

#18 I think I found the happiest lamb of all time

#19 My Dog Acting Like That Husky

#20 My math teacher just posted this

#21 Lizard Shed His Entire Face in One Go

#22 I dont think he will be asking to go fishing again anytime soon.

#23 My Local Ice Cream Shop Loves Their Puns

#24 The good, the bad, and the impaired

#25 This sunflower grows out of a wall