#1 My University made a funny.

#2 KenM, our favorite troll, takes on the lottery

#3 When can i have one

#4 This bathroom sign

#5 I would kill myself again

#6 Found In The Bathroom At Work…

#7 What Do You Think? It Was My Grandma's Recipe, But

#8 Norwegian Urinal. Its The Best Piss Youll Ever Take.

#9 When You're Drowning In Homework…

#10 One shall stand, one shall fall

#11 My friend was taking a picture in LA when this guy who apparently has his office around the corner happened to walk past and decided to photobomb.

#12 Imagine These Hunger Games…

#13 Little sister was invited to the princess party. But she wanted to be a puppy.

#14 Pretty much sums up my university life

#15 The shirt says Colorado but the stripes scream Russia.

#16 Thoughts

#17 I Watch Porn For The Plots

#18 Ah ha !! I found it

#19 He Looks Exactly Like Butthead

#20 Baby boomer sentiment

#21 How Big Africa Is.

#22 Girl I follow on twitter tried to call out this guy for being rude to her

#23 We went to Home Depot today. I asked my wife if she wanted to duck down this isle for a Quickie. She rolled her eyes and kept walking.

#24 One-Liner Jokes That Are Actually Funny