#1 What Bruce Lee taught us

#2 Cancels Show Due To…

#3 Friends Cat Had Surgery

#4 Found this in the theater while waiting for the Dark Knight Rises

#5 Probably The Greatest Invention Ever

#6 I Was Upset At First When My Niece…

#7 Ohana Means Family, Family Means No One Gets Left Behind

#8 The Newton way

#9 Got a weird little coin back with my change today.

#10 Purrnisher, The New Cathero

#11 Different angles of famous places

#12 The strangest stock photo Ive seen

#13 Olivia Wilde, you just made my night!

#14 Spiders Are Often Portrayed In A Negative Light

#15 Local girls punishment is real sketchy.

#16 Why Is There A Camera In The Kids Play Area?

#17 Hidden instructions

#18 Greedy Otter

#19 The Simpsons got another prediction right again.

#20 These geese nest in the planter right beside the entrance to my work every year.

#21 By The Looks Of It, I Doubt She Nose What Shes Doing

#22 This Is As Far As I M Willing To Go

#23 Can You Find The Cat?

#24 That awkward kid during the Super Bowl halftime with Justin Timberlake

#25 After I write a long text messageā¦

#26 Shitty Life Hack: Spill Coffee On Your Pants? Soak Them In Coffee To Make The Stain Disappear.