#1 Youre The Man! Nope, Youre The Man

#2 First Thing You Touch When You Wake Up.

#3 Hey What's That Sqiggly Thing On The Ground?

#4 An X-ray Showing A Buzz Lightyear Action Figure

#5 Facebook constantly reminds me

#6 LeBron lives on my parents street in Bath. He sent these to everyone in the neighborhood to apologize for all the ruckus over the past few weeks.

#7 Why We Should Use The Imperial System

#8 When pigs fly

#9 Nothing to see here

#10 My son, as the Flash, decided to photobomb his sister

#11 Lovely Hat

#12 Of Science And Madness

#13 This is the artwork at a childcare center in Argentina

#14 My Girlfriend Doesnt Know This But I Put A Dollar

#15 The World's Greatest Book…

#16 Grammar Lord

#17 Passive-aggressive social media skills

#18 Best music for making loveā¦

#19 They Say We Are All Humans

#20 CNN and their Brilliant Ideas [FIXED]

#21 Whats Her Beef

#22 Natural alarm clock.

#23 Imagine How Awesome This Would Look On Your…

#24 Its His First Day On The Job As A Seeing Eye Dog And He Already Knows Hes Gonna Do Such A Good Job

#25 Black tweets: First off, fuck you and the hunger you claim

#26 Probably The Greatest Invention Ever