#1 I Have A New Game, It's Called How Weird Can.

#2 My Friends- You Bow To No One - 18-26 Year.

#3 Annoying: This girl is the absolute queen of humble brags. Constantly tweeting shit like this

#4 This is what happens when you go swimming in an outdoor pool at -40C

#5 Yolks on you!

#6 I approve

#7 Please, tell me more

#8 The Metamorphosis Of An Angel

#9 They Hurt So Much

#10 Dear Santa

#11 I Don't Always Kill Things…

#12 Saw this in today's paper

#13 After a womans mom died, her heart was donated to someone. The man who received her moms heart walked the daughter to the altar.

#14 That's Crazy

#15 Meanhwhile on Tinder

#16 Feel Like yes May Have Actually Been Better.

#17 Really Mario? Again?

#18 Have you ever seen a blind dog enjoying the sounds of a lake?

#19 I'm Calling From My New Android Smartphone…

#20 Evolution Gone Wild Dump

#21 If He's Your Best Friend.

#22 Why The Breakfast Club just wouldnt work in todays society

#23 Harrison Ford accidentally punched Ryan Gosling during Bladerunner filiming

#24 This sunset effect makes it looks like Heaven and Hell