#1 Emily Needed A Costume For

#2 Wasnt really planning on it

#3 Every time I take a Calculus test

#4 Theyve been hiding out together this entire time?

#5 Id Watch That.

#6 Fuck flowers. I am a man!

#7 I'm Gonna Be Proud Of My Daughter No Matter.

#8 Next time you want lunch try this place..

#9 On Tchaikovsky

#10 American tourist

#11 Celeb's Stunt Doubles

#12 My son raking the sand off the road while wearing his brothers ski helmet.

#13 Girl you wont believe what he sent me now

#14 Fuck your stalinist eating rules!!

#15 Oh gosh! UFOs. they look just like the ceiling lights in my room . oh, wait ..

#16 The Killing Joke - Anthony Misiano

#17 Breaking up is like knocking over a coke machine

#18 More places should do this

#19 Pickpocket level: 99

#20 Curious fox…

#21 You Don't Have To Be Perfect To Be Beautiful.

#22 It started off so polite

#23 I Was Wondering Why My Husband

#24 The Older I Get The More I Understand

#25 What kind of sorcery is this?!

#26 The Year Is 2540, A Student In History Class…

#27 Wow! There's Even More Cocaine In The Astonishing

#28 Dark Souls

#29 The Matthew McConaughey Paradox