#1 Another Reason To Hate People

#2 I Think Someone Here Could Vouch For This?

#3 Accidental X-Men cosplay team

#4 A weird moment

#5 Oh the irony

#6 Wheres the emergency exit?

#7 Best Cuckoo Clock Ever

#8 In Belgium We Call This…

#9 My Mama Taught Me Never To Throw The First Punch..

#10 How To Solve That Cube For Beginners

#11 Look into my eyes

#12 Close Enough

#13 Romanian City Gives Free Bus Rides To Passengers Who Read Books Inside

#14 It's Dangerous To Go Alone

#15 Mustget tocomputer

#16 Somebody Give Him A Noble Peace Prize

#17 Estoy Poopin

#18 That Was The Most Beautiful Thing I've Ever Read

#19 Unfortunately, All The Kings Are Dead…

#20 Dress For The Food You Want

#21 Black tweets

#22 Good thing kids wont understand this

#23 Walking Away To Hide Your Boner.

#24 My Boyfriend Texted That He Was Coming Over.

#25 Cavemen Can't Understand It

#26 How Did Dick…

#27 Took A Pregnancy Test

#28 I Love You. Did You Bring A Pizza Into The Bed…

#29 Natural Selection At Work