#1 Spock Socks

#2 Be Safe, See You At Rehearsal

#3 A Group Of College Girls…

#4 People Without Beards

#5 Stranded! Your My Only Hope…

#6 Two French statues. France grows twice as strong today.

#7 Life In Pennsylvania (or Michigan, Or Illinois, Etc)

#8 Moustache Vs. Douchetache

#9 What’s on your mind, turtle…

#10 I'm Glad I Don't Have To Hunt For My Food

#11 I had to make this… For the good of the internets.

#12 Removal Reduces Inventory By 50%

#13 Suspicious activity

#14 The Mail Guy Hid My Package…

#15 I Think It's So Neat That Everyone

#16 When Boys Are Strong…

#17 So Many Kitty Toes

#18 Hey Guys It's Me Again…

#19 This Is A Library.

#20 Gotcha!

#21 Could You Help Me Out With This Snow?

#22 Happy birthday

#23 As A Canadian, It Is My Obligation To Show You This Guys

#24 I like to read it in a Russian accent

#25 I’m proud…