#1 Panda!

#2 What Men Think They Want…

#3 The titles tell a little story

#4 Aint no river wide enough

#5 Feel The Love

#6 Life Of A Reader

#7 Ahoy!!!

#8 Best.Feeling.Ever.

#9 My boss likes to complain to me. This is him after his 3rd attempt to solve his computer problems with the IT department

#10 That border

#11 I Walked Into Class 10 Minutes Late, And The Teach

#12 We Have Problems In The Poodle Community That Need Solving, Buddy

#13 Was at the Asian Market earlier today

#14 Big boy

#15 Whos a good boy?

#16 Strongmen, They Are The Real Deal

#17 Honestly, never crossed my mind.

#18 Ok buddy, thats close enough..

#19 Timmy goes emo

#20 I bet I’d be faster

#21 I've Implanted The New Heart!

#22 What would you do without Him? Dont you think He deserves those shades?

#23 I Would Call My Fashion Style Clothes That Still..

#24 Mini Donkeys Are The Perfect Pets

#25 Everyone has depression

#26 British culture according to a Japanese school book